Hey wordwind, glad you joined in. I also love thinking about the minds of those who lived at other times, how their reality was/is so different from ours, and how they have influenced our 'present'. All of us linked together through webs of time and space...

But isn't It (the big *It/Creation/the Universe, including all our planets and moons) always evolving/devolving? And aren't we as humans (sentient beings) always *limited to what we (collectively/individually) know at any specific point in time? Especially now, when we think we know so much (HA!)I don't believe we will ever get there (to the Knowing) empirically (though it won't surprise any of you to know I'm sure one could get there lyrically! :)....

So, you guys can entertain yourselves doing the math (oh, and I'll enjoy watching you all and learning beside you).

To me its just Shakti (female, creative, nurturing force) dancing for her beloved Shiva (male, unknowable, unmoveable power)....

And yes Faldage, evolution is so misunderstood. And it is certainly not geared to the 'fittest', rather, it advantages the 'fit'...over time....