Oh, tsuwm, that's such a perfect response! Mystery is in the soul of the beholder. And surely you would expect by now that *I find the Whole Thing to be mystical! And I am quite sure you do not, and therein lies your charm (for me)!

"the moon is full when it is on the opposite side of it's orbit around the earth from the sun. we don't get a lunar eclipse every month only because the moon's orbit is tilted a bit". tsuwm

Precisely! Now I find that just absolutely remarkable! And inspiring! And quite a mystery indeed that there even *is a living, breathing, expanding, evolving universe....

Then again, doesn't really matter, either way, imho...as we're all along for the ride together, in the end....

In any event, I have spent the whole morning on this only to come to find that the url I posted is not the one I meant. Oh it's somewhat related, but I actually did come across the exact question, about the moon illusion, and it had to do with the relation of the image at rising and setting to actual objects on the horizon, such as mountains or buildings. And it had something to do with that tricking the mind into creating a false image of a spatial relation that doesn't actually exist. I'm really sorry I couldn't retrieve it. And in fact, I'm not sure if the answer was really correct, although it was stated as such. It was answered on a children's science question page. I have searched through my 'history' site of all the hits my family has been making online the past two weeks. And while I certanly have a few things to talk to them about (!?!) I could not find the question page.

So, sorry, Milum. I thought I had it for you.

I'm going to turn this thing off and go lie on my back on the sand in the glorious sunshine and plug my chakras into Gaia for a recharge.

xo mm