From The American Heritage College Dictionary (Fourth Edition):

Blubber blueprint: The anatomy of a whale

Cherry plum chi: Pretty little personal energy

Convulsant Cooperative: Group of people suffering from epilepsy

Disability disbursement: Medical leave monies

Discommend discretion: Disregarding one’s own opinion

Discretionary disgrace: Shameful waste of money

Engine block enlargement: S(o)up-up your motor

Falsity fanfic: Non-canon fiction written by fans based on a television show, movie, or other admired work.

First-class fishgig: A really snazzy spear

Fox frailty: Vulpine Weakness

Gumboil guru: Dental expert

Jerk jewelry: Obnoxious or gaudy ornaments worn by obnoxious or gaudy people.

Knockabout Knuckle: Slang term for a rough and tumble fighter

Loaded lobworm: Over-large segmented worm

London long shot: Improbable winner of the Royal Ascot

Make-believe Malayalam: Pretend language that sounds vaguely like the Dravidian language spoken in southwest India.

Mallet man: A man hired to commit construction.

Mauritius mayhem: Last hurrah of the Dodo

Obviate ocean: Anticipating and dismissing masses of saltwater

Pool Poppet: Land locked version of a beach bunny

Principality prison camp: Where the Prince keeps those who disagree with him

Rio risk: Any number of Carnival activities that could be harmful

Sassy saturation: More vim and vigor than one can stand

Sumba sunblock: Lotion used to block out the Indonesian sun

Tiresome titter: Annoying giggling

Toponym torpor: Experience of a non-onomastician at COGNA

And from Barron’s Law Dictionary (fifth edition) :

Multipartite Murder: Intentional killing of a human being by two or more persons

Collateral Color: Item to protect the lender’s green when you’re in the red.

Constructive Consumer: Useful retail patrons

Corpus Co-Sign: Adding any body to the agreement

Counterclaim Court-Martial: Military defendant suing the military

Distress District: High-crime area

Election Embezzlement: Grave-robbing votes

Employment Encumbrance: Too much work

Endorsement Enlargement: Commercial deal upgrade after a winning year

Exclusive Execution: One-night only!

Inter Vios Invasion: Personal space intrusion

Letter Lewdness: Note naughtiness

Litigants Lockdown: The only way to cut down on lawsuits

Maintenance Malice: Result of upsetting the handyman

Quasi Question: Not quite an inquiry

Security Sedition: Illegal disruption of safety

Sodomy Solicitation: Naughty suggestion

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