And if we continue tip-toeing through this life, afraid to speak out in fear of offending even the offensive, we will become much like cattle, mindless, harmless, creatures that munch grass but don't offend.
Hmm; I am one who has distinct bovine tendencies, yet I feel I must respond to this. There are several aspects to your stance (which, by the way, I agree with in principle).
One is: WHY are you (anyone) speaking out? Do you honestly feel that an important point has been overlooked? Or would you be doing it, for ex., to create an uproar, or just because you can? If it's for one of these last two, then I have to say I wouldn't do it.
Another thing to consider is HOW you speak out. If you are brash, abrupt, and rude, you're less likely to be listened to. Though there are times that justify more or less forcibly "grabbing the microphone", I think. I hope I never find myself at an occasion like that--the very idea scares me to death! Uh-oh--I just remembered: I have one of those times coming up soon--the next time a certain committee meeting is held. (I just took in a deep breath to help me "get ready"!) But this is a time it's necessary, I believe; though I doubt that it will do much good. My best hope is that I'll prick a few consciences; if anything actually changes, that'll be gravy. The gist of it will be that, while we shouldn't ignore real problems, wailing and hand-wringing not only do not solve problems, I hold the belief that it can cause actual harm. Y'all wish me luck, please.