I think it's obvious that we have developed a condition of logorrhea and verbal obstipation on this subject -- it has even reached the point of near logomachy. Part of the problem is that our diverse group, albeit brought together in a common AWADcause, has different verbiases. Some of us are verbivores (voracious consumers of words), some are logo/linguaphiles, others are logomaniacs, and still others are into outright epeolatry (worship of words) -- you know who you are! Having said all that, I believe everyone of us comes to this topic feeling that he (or she) is a logoisseur and thus one who enjoys with discrimination and appreciation the subtleties of words -- therein lies the rubric.


Apart from the botanical reference in the title of this post, it sums up what I like about Ayleur. The thing that gives ayleur its deliciosity (if shanks and Blackadder can do it, so can I) is its paradoxical nature. If we all accepted ayleur, it would, by definition, be untrue. By generating such dissent, it is validated. Anyone for a game of Catch?


Good grief, you guys are getting as bad as Shakespeare!
Couldn't understand a word...mumbling into beard...