I think that squirrel brains sound yuckier than Philadelphia fried scrapple, which I hated.

A New Dish at PUDS

The only thing more plentiful at Princeton than squirrels
are squirrel jokes, so we apologize for this one. But the
Associated Press reports from Kentucky that a “backwoods
Southern delicacy” has turned up as a health hazard. Eating
squirrel brains, something most of us on this newspaper like to
do, carries for the gourmand the risk of contracting mad cow
disease. Since the rodents aren’t carnivorous, scientists are
not certain whether they really can be infected with the
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and no brains have been examined
yet. But for now, advises Dr. Joseph Berger, “it is perhaps
best to avoid squirrel brains and probably the brains of any
other animal.”