Nice, idea, Dub-Dub -

Let's see - mostly memories, these days:-

1. Christmas dinner when I was a lad (always at lunch-time, then) with my Mum and Dad and my three brothers, all so much older than I, but the occasion made me feel groan-up to be part of it.

2. The looks on the faces of my two children when they came into the sitting room on Christmas morning. They had said good-night the night before in the plain, old, ordinary sitting room. Whilst they were asleep it had been magically transformed into a fairyland of lights, baubles, bangles and beads, and a great big tree, stretching right up to the ceiling (nearly nine foot high!) shining with decorations and loaded with littel presents and sweets, with the big presents piled up at the foot. Mrs Rhuby and I managed to keep this up until my daughter was six and my son, five.

3. When the children were bigger, all of us decorating the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve afternoon whilst listening to the Nine Lessons and Carols, transmitted live from King's College, Cambridge, with their wonderful choir.

These are the major pleasurable memories of Christmas, for me.