Woe is me and me is woe. Like the great "Howlin' Wolf" said, "I'd ruther drink muddy water and sleep in a hollow log" than tell Uncle Kenny that he's the stud and I'm the dog.

Life ain't fair. But like B.B. King sang...

They say that time
Brings 'bout a change
And you know darling
That is no lie.
Well there's a time for everything
And now it's time to say good-bye.

But before I say good-bye I'd like to thank all you Awaders who tried to find the song "The Boy With the Little Two Shoes" by the Mills Brothers on the internet. With special thanks to Consuelo and Magimaria who offered to cheat in this search. Also thanks with cherry nut toppings to Musick who did cheat by searching his father's Mill Brother Collection but alas, in vain.

Now it's time to say good-bye, so here goes...

Dear Uncle Kenny,

You win. My internet pals (and their numbers are legion) and I searched and googled over 3,000 sites that cited either the "Mill Brothers" or "Little Shoes". I would probably still be looking but I came across a reference that said that the Mill Brothers recorded over 2,000 songs in their career. This thought made me tired so I quit.

I was wrong. Before there were computer nerds there were nerds like you running the show, nerds wearing pegged pants who walked around whistling "Heartache" by Elmo Tanner with yellow Ticonderoga #5 pencils stashed behind their ears in case they wanted to jot down some obscure song by the Mill Brothers.

Life is not fair. You- handsome, bright witted, married to the lovely fair Colleen- are probably whistling "Little Shoes" at this very moment, while I, dejected, stare blankly at the dehumanizing, cold, indifferent, face of my IBM.

Say Hi to the kids for me,
