I demand, sirrah, your immediate withdrawal of the offending comment or I shall meet you, with seconds, out behind the Museum of Questionable Medical Devices!

Das'right! And I emphatically, and gratefully, volunteer to stand-up as your second, O noble Faldage, for having my vote dissected and then tossed into the trash along with the heap of wrapping paper trimmings, just because I voted for my own definition! Harrumph!® (I'm so mad I'm actually adding the tradmark to that!) Da noive of it all! HogSanta seems to be switching his gift with coal! Shame, shame, shame. Oh, well...since it 'tis the season (double "its" intentional!), I will show my best elf-like demeanor and withdraw my vote for myself, thereby releasing a whole one-third vote back to each of the other 'dillo dillies!
Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas!