
choose one: [vote now, avoid the Christmas rush!]

a) the space in between hair follicles

b) a baby armadillo

c) a leather bag used to hang gear or supplies on a horse during the US Civil war, which also converts into a backpack

d) the smooth area between the head of a bolt or screw and the threads

e) referring to the habit of European women not shaving under their arms

f) a little armadillo

g) to make a rich discovery, to unearth wealth

h) poor in spirit, downtrodden; afflicted

i) an ancient astronomical instrument for determining equinoxes and solstices by shadows cast by the sun

j) Armed Forces jargon for secret super-lightweight protective gear, named for armor and millimeter thickness

k) an ornamental armband or bracelet

l) the device on a sextant or octant through which the sighting is made

m) a secondary, ornate branch on a multi-tiered chandelier

n) an herb used in ancient times in purification ceremonies

o) a Spanish diminutive describing a dwarf armadillo

p) a tattoo around the upper arm signifying rank within the Olmec military priesthood

q) [regional Welsh colloquialism] one thousand, traditionally applied to livestock

r) an early attempt at e-mail technology, now obsolete

s) a small suit of armor to cover a falcon's breast; since transferred in remote parts of Cornwall to signify the dressing of a Christmas goose

t) a young armadillo

{I kid you not!}

entries from: RC, etaoin, maahey, TFF, sjm, Ww, Bingley, dxb, bonzai, Capfka, consuelo, Asp, wofa, Faldage, WO'N, Jeepers(?), musick, Jackie, ron obvious, and a really big dictionary

I hope I got everyone's armadillo entry.

Also, milum's entry was SO succinct that I had to burn it before reading... oh, wait... that's top secret.
Never mind.

-your humble, and obstipated, hogmasterŪ