On the subject of books, can anyone tell me how it is that most people that were brought up in the US, havent heard of or read, any of the Enid Blyton series??!!! I grew up on a staple diet of Enid Blytons, and when I first came to the US, it used to baffle me no end that no one seemed to know what I was talking about. All my earnest recommendations met with less than eager responses and I left it at that. Same story with Tintin and Asterix!!?? For me, to this day, these books serve as handy and ready, mood picker-uppers. To get lost in lands of gnomes, elves, fairies with glitter dusted gossamer wings, underground trains with big cushions for seats, coloured sparkly lanterns in tunnels,..... everything seems alright with the world after that little reverie!
Any comments?