You, dirty ol' milum, are tsuwm's pet, and you know it. You're not fooling anybody.

Why else would he embed almost your whole name in the to-be-defined rare word?

I'm really surprised tsuwm didn't use the less-than-rare word armilum, but then we already know the definition of that.


And, Ms. AnnaS., do you have any idea how long it took me to find the stupid ® symbol so I wouldn't get accused of breaking copyright laws here? I'd say you're just as spoiled of a brat as milum. Well, I guess you'll go off and get all mad at me, but I've got my ukulele here, so I'll play you a chorus of Tiptoe Through the Tuwlips, and that should settle you down.

milum? Nothing settles him down!

Edit: In fact, now that I really think about it, it amazes me milum hasn't changed the spelling of his name to miluwm--appropriate for a tsuwm groupie.