Juan: Blackbeard didn't cower to anyoneWhy would the Easter Island statues want a quiver for? They didn't have bows and arrows.Hey, hey, hey, guys! We're trying to build a legend here...the Saga of the Notorious Captain Kiwi. Think Paul Bunyan. Hyberbole is good!

Why, even Long John Silver himself offered to share his treasure when cornered by the seething Captain Kiwi with a pistol and a dagger in his teeth! "Look, here's me map," sez he. "If ya spare me, Kiwi, I'll put'cha on to half of me chests, I will. And what's more, yer can have yer pick of me men to help ya dig, an' then ya can just kill 'em all after ya finds it! An' ya can even cut the throat of me filthy parrot, here, so he never tells no one of this here deal!"
"#&!* you!", sez his parrot.
But, as we now all know, the ferocious Captain Kiwi grabbed the treasure map, slit Long John's throat, ate the parrot
live, and ordered Silver's men to lead him to the treasure. Now, if anyone of 'em 'cept for Long John really knew the 'xact whereabouts of the booty, and actually led Captain Kiwi to all that glorious plunder, is hard to say. But yer can bet if they did, they didn't live to tell about it. And yer wonders why the "good" Captain bolts from the board as soon as he's found out, do ya?! Ha!
"Capital", indeed!