So I checked. On Thur Feb 28 soojin said he was a man.

Thanks Bill, somehow the gender with whom we talk is more important in subtle ways than I have understood.


It is hard to compliment another male without an aside or an off-handed remark, least, I guess, we be mistook as being gay...

"Hey TEdie-o, I noticed that no one stepped up and accepted your challenge, this is strange, considering how bad we americans have been."


Hey Wordwind, I thought that your thoughts were well-measured and laudable. With wonderful people like you around, the world should not need people like me.
And Bill. And TEd. And Faldage. And tsuwm. And Whit. And WO'N And Jazzo. And Falliable. And dear Rhuby. And the Fish. And Musick. And Alex. And Wofadoc. And Maverick. And Capital Kiwi. And Inselpeter. And Belligerent Youth. And Stales. And Etoain. And Mahoony. And Cadafi. And of course, the two-fisted fast-drinking bear from Ireland - Hiya. And lasty, Johnny "Guitar" Watson. But for the time being...

Wordwind. We need serious chicks like you.