I agree with you, there's nothing funny about the blackpeopleloveus site.

Many years ago I was tasked to facilitate a class on racism at my job. I learned quite a bit about racism (and about myself) while teaching this class. One of the most important things that I got out of it was that everyone has, at some level or another, a streak of racism. In some not much and in others a lot. The whole purpose of this class was to inform them that we (the government agency for whom I worked at the time) did not care a whit about what people thought. BUT, for the eight hours a day the people were at work, we cared very much how they acted. We cannot buy your thoughts, but we certainly can buy your deeds. One of the hoped-for results of this was that if we changed a person's deeds we might eventually change their attitudes. There's apparently a good bit of research that shows there's some truth to that, but I don't think it works very well in the real world.

This site in a parodic way shows that the self-proclaimed liberals who describe themselves as "color-blind" are far from that, and are unconsciously very bigoted. In that respect it could serve a very good purpose if the people who most needed it were to view it subjectively. In my experience that's not likely to happen because those ultra-liberal souls are so self-righteous they cannot even begin to see how hateful their attitudes are deep inside.