Some of these words are unbelievable. The only hits I could find for this one was title of
a poem by Goethe, and in a list of words in a Greek course:
Lyric, Monody, Strophe, Katakeleusme, Epirrhema, Antistrophe,
Antikatakeleu, Antepirrhema, Anapaestic, Pnigos ... which can be used to find its definition in the ...

The only other word of any interest on the page was :anthracite". I shovelled a lot of it when
I was a kid, and coal was still used to heat houses. There were three kinds of coal. Anthracite,
called "hard coal" was the best. Soft coal was cheaper, but made worse fumes. The big gas
companies processed soft coal to make gas for home use, and had a spngy residue called
"coke" which was also used for home heating, as well as in industry.