From dictionary of difficult words:


v.t. Law, care for, feed cattle, horses, for payment. agistment, n. this practice;
pastureland available for this

Agisting or boarding your alpacas is an option which may be helpful to you if you want
to invest in alpacas but don't have the facilities to keep them yourself. At Noonan
Ranch, we will board your alpacas with the same healthful care and feeding that we give
our own. The cost of food, housing, grooming and normal semi ­annual vaccinations
and worming are included in your agisting fee, which is $3.00 a day. Of course, any
other extraordinary medical needs will be charged accordingly. Alpacas are full
mortality insurable, so you may choose to insure your animals with a company, or self
insure. Also, when you agist a female at Noonan Ranch, your breeding fees will be