Dear etaoin: from your first URL, what is a "rood loft"?
During the Civil War and Restoration there is widespread written
evidence of the way new religious and social ideals were being
promulgated. The sometimes brutally aggressive Puritans stripped the
churches of their images, rood lofts and altars - while a smaller,
less-aggressive number, from time to time attempted to restore some of
the ‘popish’ traditions [7].

Edit I got lucky and found a glossary:
Rood - a cross erected at the entry to the chancel. Roods often had
figures of the Virgin Mary on one side and St. John on the other.

Rood Loft - the gallery upon which the rood is supported.

Rood Screen - a screen built beneath the rood loft.

Wish there had been pictures to make it more easily understood.