Thank you for that extensive post.
I appreciate that wordplay and the exploration of words is the purpose for this site and it is neither the forum for polemic nor for ideological posturing or political point-scoring.
However I would still contend that the way in which we think about words and how we use them for whatever desired outcome we wish and politics is for good or for ill a significant part of this, if we define politics as how we think about the world and how we plan our economies, our services, and our systems.
Whilst this is not the venue for politics as such, the relationship between words and politics and the use and abuse of the nuance and power of words is a vital and, I think, interesting angle to explore on these pages.
I hope I have not been abusing the ethos of this site with political references but I think the wider discussions of words relating to politics is fascinating and the freedom to discuss these is valuable. Politics should only be a dirty word in the sense of party point-scoring. Some might say "the personal is the political" and that politics permeates every attitude and action which may or may not be the case. However, I would suggest that politics should be a part of the rich tapestry of subjects discussed and looked into on this site in relation to how words are used and abused.

Must go and do some gardening.