maurice , i agree..(re:
I would contend that a forum of intellectual "sparring" and thought is an ideal place to take apart theories and invidivuals of politics and current affairs. but this isn't really a
a forum of intellectual "sparring" and thought -- even though a lot of that goes on... this is anarchic
(Jackie, the only moderator here, does the least bit of moderating possible, and is extremely reluctant to ever close a thread, and getting her to delete a post takes an extreme situation) and largely self moderating
forum for discusions about words and word use. over time, we have realized that politial discussions, by there very nature, tend to get heated, and we like cool head here!
now if you want to mock a particular word or phrase of Dubya, (see nuclear!) go right ahead.. if you hear a politial or public figure of any any stripe using (or mis-using) an interesting word, and
want to discuss the word in question, we will.
if you think
words have been mis-used, or there meaning has been total warped by the political process, we can discuss how 'double speak' is alive in well in the political world... but if you want to discuss politics... i suggest you find a political forum.
(but keep coming back here with the words you find there that interest you, since they might well interest us too!)
you state:
I think all people in authority should be subject to scrutiny from ALL forums be they electronic or otherwise. another bit of anarchy there isn't there? or is it? if every forum is a political forum, (
at your wish and command) then your purpose for posting here is to undermine the stated purpose of this forum, and to change it from a word related forum (one that many of us enjoy, as it is) into an
yet other political forum..that is not anarchy, that is revolution, with you as the leader!
well it's curious.. how anarchy works.. we are successful at being a word forum, without a moderator telling how to behave... generaly the post here are not lewd, or nasty, or hurtful..again, all self control on the part of the people who post here. i think you'll find us very effective at moderating and resisting change, with out any external moderator enforcing the rules.
(rules? we ain't got no stinkin rules!)
the discussion on feminism,
which was getting way to political, well it got stopped.. Vika and i have exchanged PM's, (several during the time the thread was active) and agreed to disagree, and to end the thread, since this really isn't the place for it.. each of us, continued to communicate via, PM's, making sure that the discusion did not become a issue between us... and musick came in, and 'turned' the discussion to a more lighthearted one.. and i took the hint.
and that was in Misc, not in the Q & A about
Wordsthreads, were thing are a bit looser!
i really would have prefered to post this privately... but you have elected to not accept private messages. and my post is rather heavy handed, but then tact and finese are not my strong point! but i read you post as a bit of challenge.
but i could be wrong, (see bowlderizing!) goodness knows, i have been wrong many times! Still, inspite of that, i want you to stay around and enjoy our word play, and join in.
(i realized, i tend to use ! (exclamation points) the way some people use


, to indicate a lightheartedness that i think my post is missing-- i have edited out half of them, and still it reads like a teen age school girl... as you stumble across the, think of them as commands to remember, i am trying to be smiling, and cheerful in my tone)