Hello good people, please note that this is my six hundred and sixty-fifth post on this fine board and, as follows, the next one will be
my six hundred and sixty-sixth.
____________ 666 the mark of the beast_____________At first I thought...what the heck its just a silly superstition I'll just let it pass without any great to do. But then I thought...
wait a minute what if my innocent post somehow bestows ill fortune on the fellow Awader who was the object of my
666 post. It would be unthinkable to live knowing that my flippantcy had caused such ruin.
Maybe...I then thought...I could address this cursed post to no one and get pass this damnable number without bringing down great tragedy and destruction on a single poster, but No!...A post to no one would be a post to everyone and the results might be a calamity of untold breadth.
So I sit here now in a quandary. I must somehow get pass this post and go on with my life. I don't want to mark any of my friends here with any mark of any so-called beast.
But time for me now passes slowly and my hands grow itchy.
Maybe this is not such a good time, boys and girls, to cross the milum.