milum, you're not just playing devils advocate, but the devil himself!-- and i notice you are making two different arguements at one time!

first, there is some, but not a great deal of sexual dimorphism in human. while on average, woman are smaller than men, the is a large overlap. small men are sometimes shorter than the average woman, and tall women taller than the average man. the dimorphism is slight (unlike say our cousins the great apes, where males are generally 2 to 2.5 times bigger than females, this difference not just in weight, but in stature, jaw and tooth size and many other physical featues, and at maturity, no female is bigger than even a small mature male)

secondly, there is a great deal of evidence that brain size has little to do with the ability to think.. (einstiens brain is well below the 50th percentile in size, but he was one of the great thinkers of our age... and there is no evidence that brain size effects the ability to think with in normal bounds..)

but you are absolutely right, error is in thinking that feminism is an intellectual issue. It is not. It is a social issue with no bounds in logic.

the greatest dimorphism that exist, is in cultural values.

for the past 40 years or so, a majority of medical doctors in Russia (former USSR) were female. these women practiced all specialites, includeing surgery. Medicine was considered a "femine field of endevor" -- in western europe, and US, woman have made progress, but have not yet acheived parity overall, and in some fields remain minorites. Medicine (and surgery in particual) is considered masculine.

These social constructs, that equate a what should be a neutral, (medicine) with sexual traits, (feminine in USSR, masculine in Western europe/US) has resulted in different out comes.
it is not logicial... it is social!

curiously, a second social factor comes into play.

in this country, medical doctors incomes, and engineers incomes (engineering being another "masculine field") are close in range.

In the USSR, engineering is also considered a masculine field, and engineer earn signifigantly more than doctors..

since both professions require many years of schooling, and interships, and licencing... the difference in compensation are strange... -- and when contrasted with western europe almost equal valuation, it becomes more marked..

it is an other example of "womens work" being undervalued!

but is suspect, if i pushed you, you could come up with any number of references verifying these comments, and provide even greater detail. if you continue to try to provoke, me, i will be force to get tough with you... i'll give you kiss after kiss, until melt, red as alabama clay!