Dear AS: I wonder about the alleged antibiotic properties. A big part of the fact that fungi
do not attack honey is that the bees leave so little water in it. Same reason why jellies are
not very susceptible to mold. I haven't been reading up about honey lately, will go do so now.
I used to keep bees, until I tried to remove a frame, only to have it stuck to frame below by
propolis, and being unable to replace it without crushing a lot of bees and getting the bejeesus
stung out of me. Before I could resolve problem, I had onset of severe back pain,and just put
the cover back on, and called another beekeeper to come take all six hives away. I'd had
enough. The whole thing was a crazy idea of my wife's for a 4H project for our oldes daughter,
sho was scared to death of the bees and never even went near them. So I took many hundreds
of stings for nothing. And the kids didn't even like the honey - hardly ever used it. Being a good
father can be painful at times. Bill