Royal jelly scam:
Royal jelly is the food of queens — not human monarchs, but Queen bees. It's actually
a substance secreted from the glands in the heads of worker bees that's fed to bee larvae.
After a few days, the larvae that have potential to develop into queenscontinue to be fed
this nectar. Since queen bees are much bigger, live much longer, and are more fertile than
all the other bees,this potion is believed by some to impart mystical qualities. In reality,
royal jelly is comprised of 60 - 70 percent water, 12 - 15 percent protein, 10 - 16 percent
sugars, and 3 - 6 percent fats, with vitamins, salts, and free amino acids making up the rest.
People who are allergic to bees and honey, and those who have asthma, can face real dangers
if they take royal jelly. Reactionsranging from bronchial spasms, skin irritations, and asthma
attacks, to more severe anaphylactic shock, and even death, have been reported from its
ingestion. As with many supplements, pregnant and lactating women and small children need
to refrain from using royal jelly. To be on the safe side, anyone with a compromised immune
system also needs to beware.
So, what's all the buzz about royal jelly? This supplement has been taken for a host of ailments.
In addition to its use as a general health tonic, people take royal jelly to:
enhance immunity
prevent arthritis and multiple sclerosis
treat asthma
slow the signs of aging
stimulate hair growth
improve sexual performance
reduce symptoms of menopause
heal bone fractures
lower cholesterol
alleviate cardiovascular ailments
remedy liver disease, pancreatitis, insomnia, fatigue, ulcers, and digestive and skin disorders
Whew. What a list! Unfortunately, good evidence does not exist for any of these purported
health claims. Although studies with rabbits and rats showed a reduction in their cholestero
l levels, and some human trials found a lowering of the bad LDL
cholesterol levels, these reports have not been published, so it is impossible to evaluate their
validity. Seems like royal jelly is just a royal scam.