Anyone with a television wired to a plug in their home has to have a tv license, even if it is not in use. Inspectors can levy 1000 pound fines for non compliance and repeated infractions can end you up in prison. ~ Dodyskin

If you are 74 or over you will be eligible for either a free Over 75 TV Licence or a Short Term Licence (or until you pass away, whichever comes first). It is important to remember that you still need a licence. Your free licence will not be issued automatically, you do have to apply for it. Of course if you are blind you merely need to fill out a series of forms and you can watch TV free forever upon approval of your submitted application.
And if you are blind and over 74, well...hey, we all should be so lucky .
~ Information URL site (slightly modified)

Now that, my distant friends, is a scary law. I'd bet the lot of your Tower Jewels that this crass affront to free information flow everywhere was enacted while your paternalistic labour boys were in power. Right?

Good Lord I hope so...