Well, since Sparteye brought up in-sport slang...when a batter gets under the ball too much on a high fly giving it so much loft that it's easily caught, they say "your killin' too many birds." However, we didn't know how literal
this saying was until Randy Johnson recently disintegrated that dove with a fastball, did we? (Actually what he throws is more like a 'cannon shot!')
And just another note about "Say it ain't so..." When Pete Rose was busted you heard "Say it ain't so, Rose!" more often than "Pete." The latter is just more poetic, I guess (love that assonance!).
And, "wow"............................................................................................................................................................. for posting that last remark in blazing red I have just 2 things to say to you...Bill Buckner 'n' Bucky Dent!.............. (It's the "Curse of the Buck!"--I guess Buck Showalter will never manage in Boston!)...Sorry, you asked for it. (all in fun, of course!)