imagining you lying there [in the gutter] with a computer hook-up ~ WW

Yes WW, a sorta modern day Diogenes emailing tsuwm who is blocking the sun. Speaking of which...

Many of you have emailed me, US mailed me, and otherwise mailed me, asking for tips on how to win at Hogwash. So while this foutaises d'un tsuwm is being unncessarily delayed, here's a quick tip...

Hogwash is a game with only one rule:

No player is allowed to look up the definition.

Most players don't but some do. Those that do usually accompany their submission with an off handed casual remark like...

(yawn) O'boy O'boy, just for the heck of it I think I'll go with definition __ .

If you can spot one of these crooks you can pick up a couple of cheap points. This is not cheating. This is logical deduction and is allowed in all Hogwash incarnations.

Good luck gang, I'll give you all another tip in a minute. ______