you'll find the raven, should you desire it, is in Poe's cottage in Fordam (the bronx) NY, just a click or so away from fordham university.(the bust of pallas alas, i never saw-but a stuffed raven was found in the attic of the cottage, and is suspected to be one of the original artifacts of the cottage.)

several of us here make claim to poe as a nieghbor.. i grew up on the original site of the furnished cottage Poe rented while in NY, (it was move a few hundred feet across the street into a park in the early days of 1900's)
BobYoungBalt--also thinks of Poe as his neighbor, being from baltimore, where Poe spent his final days, and WordWind, claims Poe as fine Virginian, and sometime Richmond-ite that she is.

What claim to Poe do claim? do you share his soul? or other kindred relation?