And you can google ultracrepidarian and get about 206 hits, including an site.

Now, boys, really. I was just kidding.

When I'm kidding, must I use always these little smiling face icons?

My fervent belief on the subject of what we really are here on AWAD is a bunch of wasters-off-time. Not quite procrastinators because I don't think we're necessarily putting off anything that should be done instead of reading as we do here.

And I also fervently believe that we're a happy band because we're met a bunch of people who like wasting time thinking about the same kinds of things we like thinking about and wasting our time over.

Now what is the word for a waster-of-time, one who fiddles around all the day, just having fun? Not exactly a hedonist, but one involved in trivial pursuits?

But I do like knowing that we are also ultracrepidarians and proud of it! I wouldn't mind having a little badge, Faldage, that read: I'm an Ultracrepidarian and Proud of It!