long, long ago, when my kids were young, and computer new (circa 1980's) we had a computer with a voice sythesizer.

my ex was concerned that the kids would make the compter say nothing but explitives..

luckly, it never happened.

we are not prudes, and much of the word play that goes on here is adult in nature, but we just don't tend to focus on vulgarities.

the word in question, is a rather old one, and in general, old word rarely orginate from phrases. any resonable dictionary would tell you that the word is most likely from the old german word, *skit- and that the meaning hasn't changed much..

P.O.S.H., Port Out Starboard Home, is another common made up meaning for Posh, which really comes from poosh, a dandy and i wonder if it it is not related to Panache, which used to mean decorated with feathers, and now means elegant, the very same as Posh!

welcome aboard, and we look forward to what ever else you try to wing by us, wingy!