Encouraged by Milo's concern for the TRUTH in reference to the challenged books of the world, I wrote to the mighty GAP HQ and received this reply (standard inoffensive reply 36, I assume). Having taught on marketing and customer care courses in the past one can only admire it for being completely calm and inoffensive.
Thank you for your message regarding our marketing campaigns. Because our market is quite diverse, we create a wide range of materials with many different themes and treatments in an effort to reach everyone at one time or another. Sometimes we miss the mark with some customers,
and while it's disappointing to hear, it does encourage us to keep trying new ideas that may be more appealing. We hope you'll keep watching and continue to let us know how we're doing.

If we may be of further assistance, please contact us via e-mail at
custserv@gap.com or by calling 1-800-GAP-STYLE. Our Customer Service
Consultants are available 24 hours a day for your convenience.


Cynthia (name changed, even though is probably isn't a real name)
Customer Service Consultant


So why does it make me want to write:


(PS to TED - yes, Fall gives me a double take, it really isn't used here, except in American TV and movies, most advertisers, even multinationals would translate it.)