Here's mine ...

Original English Text:
William the Conqueror, 1066, said to his barons "I mean to affix England to Normandy. Go out and borrow some bows and some arrows, we're starting tomorrow."
Translated to French:
William le Conqueror, 1066, dit à son moyen de "I de barons d'apposer l'Angleterre en Normandie. Sortez et empruntez quelques arcs et quelques flèches, nous commençons tomorrow."

Translated back to English:
William Conqueror, 1066, known as with its means of "I barons of affixing England in Normandy. Leave and borrow some arcs and some arrows, we begin tomorrow."

Translated to German:
William Conqueror, 1066, bekannt als mit seinen Mitteln von "I Barons des Hinzufügens von von England in Normandie. Lassen Sie und borgen Sie einige Bogen und einige Pfeile, fangen wir tomorrow." an;

Translated back to English:
William Conqueror, 1066, admits of baron of adding of England in normandy as with its means of "I. If you let borrow and you some elbow and some arrows, we catch tomorrow." on;

Translated to Italian:
William Conqueror, 1066, ammette del baron di aggiunta dell'Inghilterra in Normandia come con i relativi mezzi di "I. Se lasciate per prendere in prestito e voi un certo gomito ed alcune frecce, interferiamo tomorrow." sopra;

Translated back to English:
William Conqueror, 1066, adding of England in Normandia like with the average relati ones to you admits of the baron of of "I. If left in order to on loan take and a sure elbow and some arrows to you, we interfere tomorrow." over;

Translated to Portuguese:
William Conqueror, 1066, adição de Inglaterra em Normandia como com o relati médio uns a você admite do baron do "I. Se saido na tomada do empréstimo e em um cotovelo certo e em algumas setas a você, nós interferimos tomorrow." sobre;

Translated back to English:
William Conqueror, 1066, addition of England in Normandy as with relati average some you admit of baron of "I. If saido with the taking of the loan and an elbow certain e in some arrows you, we intervene tomorrow." on;

Translated to Spanish:
Guillermo Conqueror, 1066, adición de Inglaterra en Normandía como con promedio del relati algunos que usted admite del barón del "I. Si interviene el saido con tomar del préstamo y de un codo cierta e en algunas flechas usted, nosotros tomorrow." encendido;

Translated back to English:
Guillermo Conqueror, 1066, addition of England in Normandía like with average of relati some that you admit of the baron of "I. If the saido one with taking from the loan and a certain elbow and in some arrows you takes part, we tomorrow." ignited;

The idiot also known as Capfka ...