i tried putting the same phrase through three or four times and this is the progression into madness
rock and roll kids

kids of rock'n'roll

Kid of rock'n'roll

Kidskin of rock' n' roll

Kidskin of the coil of rock ' n '

Kidskin of the coil of rock ' n '

Kidskin of the rolling up of rock ' N '

Kidskin of rolling above rock ' N '

Kidskin to roll over the cliff ' N '

Kidskin to roll on cliff ' N '

Kidskin to roll in the steep ' N '

Kidskin of the coil of rock ' n '

Kidskin of the rolling up of rock ' N '

Kidskin of rolling above rock ' N '

Kidskin to roll over the cliff ' N '

Kidskin to roll on cliff ' N '

Kidskin to roll in the steep ' N '

' in the rigid N ' to to be rolled Kidskin,

' in N rigid ' with with being rolled Kidskin,

' in N rigidly ' also with its rolled Kidskin,

' in the N rigidly ' also with the relative rolled Kidskin,

' in the rėgida N ' also with the relative Kidskin rolled,

' in the rėgida N ' also with the relative Kidskin it rolled,
isn't it funny how more and more foreign words getleft in the translation as you go along