I am not cool, so I will post my un-cool first mental responses to your list, Sparteye:

Ego wall...........a wall of mirrors used in a ballet or dance studio

Golden ghetto........a ghetto in San Francisco near the Golden Gate Bridge


Hillbilly heroin........Moonshine?

Wallet biopsy...........Paying with credit cards?

Metrosexual.......Hmmmm.....someone who picks up people for sexual favors on the Metro?

Anus envy.....Good grief! I don't even want to consider this one.

Bed blocker......Venereal disease

Bridezilla....Well, it must be the Bride of Godzilla

Big hair house.....beauty salon?

Bozo explosion.........A clown being shot out of a cannon at Barnum and Bailey

Trustafarian..........I have no idea, but I'll bet I'm one.

OK. That should prove that I am the uncoolest of everybody here on this board.

Square regards,