Personal to consuelo. If you are not consuelo do not read the paragraph below and skip to the part that begins..." Well yes, I'm glad you asked..."

->Blast it Consue!, did some Angel with a warped sense of humor appoint you to embarrass me in front of my peer and my ten thousand friends? Now I'll have to bluff my way through this answer...Geewiz. <-

Well yes, I'm glad you asked consuelo, many people have asked me that same question. I remember one time back in the seventies I was caving with Merlin Tutle, the world's foremost bat authority, in Sauta Cave in Alabama when someone asked me that same question...mmm?...Wait! I got a great idea! I will email Merlin and we will get an up-to-date answer straight from the great batman's mouth, so-to-speak. Yeah, and for his amusement I'll send him the names that have been suggested here.

Let's see...

bucket of bats - jmh
battery of bats- wwh
swarm of bats-RhubardCommando
inverted witch hat of bats,
dark cloud of bats - Wordwind

cyclone of bats - consuelo

Off to email, will post his response. - mw