- - Hey Whit! Pick me! I,ll spit, Whit, I'll spit!

The correct answer is... # 9 - that's right - # 9

gemebund: # 9. moaning, groaning, whimpering [L]: the gemebund wind sent shivers down her spine.

You know the saying, "the times that you think you are most right are the times that you are the most wrong".

Well Pals O' Mine, this ain't one of 'em.

In fact I am so sure that I'm right that I will email each and every one of you Hogwashers and Hogwasherettes ---> $5.00 (Five Dollars) in the form of a promissory note if I'm proven wrong.

Hint: The secret to understanding this word was knowing its latino roots. -

[Note: The above in no way violates the non-gaming laws of Hogwash. No bet as such has been made and no wagering has been promoted. -mw]