What would you do if you weren't afraid?

i guess i have lived most of my life life with a similar sentement... There is nothing wrong with being afraid... but being afraid is not a excuse not to do something.

i have been at time extremely anxious. but, i tried not to let fear control my actions.

i remember, late one night, christmas eve, walking across a university campus, on the edge of a rough neighborhood.

as i walked, i thought i heard foot steps behind me.. i walked a little faster, and sure enough, someone was following me.. we were coming close to the quad, and while the walk up until now was lonely it was in sight of a major city street,(but this road was growing more distant with each step) the quad closed in, there were building, and narrow passages, and much of the area was too far from the street... and most of the dorms were dark and unoccupied, being this was christmas week.

so i abruptly halted, and swung myself around 180 degrees, and headed straight towards the person who was following me..

it turned out to be someone i knew, and he was afraid to break the stillness of the night, and call out, and was uncertain if it was me...he told me i gave him the fright of his life when i turn heels and started walking to him, and more over, he asked, what if it wasn't me? what if it was someone who was out to hurt you?

i replied, Hopefully, i would have given them the fright of their life, and scared them into thinking differently, since i was not what they expected..

i have found facing fear head on... it almost always easier than running away.

more than What would you do if you weren't afraid?--i would say, act, even if your are afraid.