I (and others) take a dim view of spam here, and its distressing to see some one register for the purpose of placing a free ad.

you site seems brand new, and i know nothing at all about you, or your publication, and if it has had any history as a hard copy magazine before becoming a netzine...

so far, no major ads on your site, and no demands for money along with the submissions.. so your half way to redeeming yourself, but if you are a regular subscriber, you know, Anu uses and solicites small text based ads like yours for his newletter. and your actions, well, they seem like you are trying to by-pass for you own good, to take advantage of Anu's good nature.

i suspect, we will never hear from you again.. that you see this site only as it can be useful to you. and that, too, tells me something about you.