Funny you should mention that. Right before I went to sleep last night I read in Mrs. Byrne:


...and that's a double dis.

Edit: I was mistaken. Sorry, folks. The word wasn't a double-dis at all. Whatever the antidisestablishmentarianism word was with one more prefix has gone with the wind. I'll check through Bryne today and see whether I can find the other too-long word.

By the way, Amazon is now offering a new edition of Bryne with a different cover. Don't know whether any changes have been made to the text. Probably not.

Second edit: Well, here's one, but it's not the one I read last night: ultraantidisestablishmentarianism

Third edit: Still can't find the word and I flipped through all the pages. But did find this slang term for being "one against dissection":


Note to Musick: Because I wrote the word "disantidisestablishmentarianism"--does that now make it a bonafide word one hour into its existence?