So what are the general rules for double letters?

If we're talking general rules (cos there aren't any solid ones!) I reckon "-ela" implies the vague possibility of a long e sound, whereas "-ella" makes it a definite short e sound. I can't think of a single word with an "-ela" ending and a long e, so this rule must be inherited from other endings.

"-eted" as in completed, deleted (long e)
"-etted" as in abetted, regretted (short e)

"-ered" as in revered and ..uhhh (long e anyway)
"-erred" as in erred, deferred (short e -ish)

This being English, though, it's quite tough coming up with examples.

Emanuela, I think also a lot of (speaking for myself, anyway) ignorant English speakers see Italian as consisting of quite a few double letters - bella, bellissima, pizza, pianissimo etc - and maybe tend to overdo it when writing Italian names and some words. I apologise on behalf of all of us ignorami.