OK. If milum is telling the truth, then the results are as follows:

1. Just Plain Jody's definition = No votes, but I liked the definitions.

2. Real definition (the spheroid one that tsuwm and Cap Kiwi gave away) = 2 votes

3. AnnaS's definition = 2 votes; 2 points

4. Wolfaholic's definition = 1 vote (his own); no points

5. Jackie's definition = 2 votes (1 her own if milum told the truth); 1 point

6. Fish's definition = 2 votes (1 was Fish's own); 1 point

7. milum's definition = 3 votes (1 was the contender's own); 2 points

8. Rhubarb's definition = 0 votes

9. scalawag's definition = 0 votes

10. W'on's definition = 1 vote; 1 point

Results and Co-Winners:

Ms. Annastrophic with 2 points;

Mr. Milum with 2 points

Some dictionary [I forgot which one] with 2 points

Congratulations to the tri-winners.

Now, tsuwm, will you please run the next Hogwash and make it a registered round with rules posted. Also, will you please find a very nice, creepy-crawly obscure word for OCTOBER

Best regards,
One exhausted Wordwind

P.S. Edit: I thought prolate was a very cool word its being football season and all that. Not that I've ever watched a football game...