WAIT! DON'T CLOSE THEM POLLS!...huuh...huuh...(give me a minute, I'm out of breath)...huuh...huuh, OK, thats better, ...now let me tell you the good news. I just got off the phone with Jackie and just plain Dody. They are vacationing off the coast of the Tam`bere`nee Islands and won't be able to get back in time to vote. They have given me their proxy.

Just plain Dody votes for # 7 - before death.

And Jackie votes for # 5 - an ousted group leader.(such as former Hogmaster tsuwm.)

Please hurry and post the results, Hogmisstress, now that all the votes are in we can experience closure and move on to Creepy-Crawley Hogwash for Halloween. Yea!