Tonight I feel like a ten dollar streetwalker...but now, somehow, I feel like a two-dollar slut.

My dear Mr M, you were already pretty good value for money - but if you're now becoming 80% cheaper in the time it takes to write a single post, I'd like to place an advance order for a milliard milos to be delivered in a couple of days time. By then I reckon you(s) will be paying me a very considerable sum, and I can retire off the proceeds. [rubs hands gleefully]

Ah, onliest thing is I'd need to support all those milos in the manner to which they're accustomed. Everybody would know on which continent the milotitude was located, as that continent would start sinking into the sea at an alarming rate. It would therefore be impossible for me to keep my purchase quiet and at some point evade my responsibilities.
No country would welcome me & my milos, so I would have to spend all my ill-gotten gains terraforming another planet and purchasing overpriced second-hand rockets to take us there.

Curses. Foiled again.