In reply to:

...and presumably he never quite makes up his mind, hence never leaves the restaurant, and never gets around to meeting Vladimir and Estragon?


Faldage may have the role of Godot only if he promises to arrive for rehearsals at least 15 minutes late. I picture Godot as a large man with a big overcoat and a fedora, possibly a beard too. Preferably an Eastern European accent. I would like to have a cameo as either a busboy or a dishwasher.

Sadly, the only funding I could obtain was from Jerry Bruckheimer, so the ending will feature a breathtaking car chase through the Trinity College library that culminates in a pyrotechnically impressive explosion in the rare book room. Godot will be killed by flying debris from the Book of Kells.

If I am a silly person in general then I am even sillier when hopped up on Nyquil. Damn this summer cold!