Hey they stole my idea! Well they won't steal my next script, Waiting On Godot, the story of a mysterious stranger who arrives at a restaurant, announces that he is in a hurry because he is supposed to meet two guys later in the evening, but then can't make up his mind as to what to order. Told the from the waiter's point of view, it is a poignant look at indecision, fear of committment, and lousy tips.


A triumph! Kirkus Reviews

It's like 45 minutes of my life that are lost and can never be recovered! Eric Idle

Frankly, an embarassment. Alex's father

Well I liked it. Alex's mother

Completely rips off my play! Samuel Beckett

The kind of film that makes you glad to be alive! Edward Albee

Well I wouldn't go THAT far. Jean-Paul Sartre