Looks like someone's chance to absquatulate without any kerfuffle. In fact, if you decamp with a kerfuffle, then you are most definitely not absquatulating!

BTW, is an habitual and well-practised absquatulator an absquatulatitioner?

Nay, my good sir! To imply a mere opportunistic usurpation of kerfuffling in order to roll our beloved absquatulate out into the light, yet again, is an injustice to the dedication of our calling...for it is our duty! Rhuby, we have liberated abquatulate (and some, uh, new derivatives) for 8 more viewings in this thread alone!...good work compadre! And, now, that you have, indeed, raised a kerfuffle about this, CapK, you see that you can have your absquatulate and kerfuffle it, too!

And, adding the additions of this post, we have now unveiled our sacred word, so far, for a record 15 times on one thread! So put that in your kerfuffle pipe and smoke it! Rhuby, keep up the good work!