I don't know--- this new millenium has started with a bang.. i don't know how else you can see the WTC/Pentagon episodes... and with the increased tension in mid east, and the changes in ireland (vis a vis Northern Ireland) and with the forces in european union, 1) uniting enough to form a new currency, and 2) taking a different stand the US in reguards to israeli/palestinian conflict... Aids is still a major disease in most of the world, and is destroying a new young generations, Africa is being hit hardest, and will continue to suffer -- already, population presure is changing, and it will continue to. What will african nations be like with a population of old people and orphans? and China, now going into year 20+ or so of its "one child family" rule, is finding the girls so readily killed as infants, are now not available to be wives to all the sons.. and in an other 20 years.. these only childen will be alone-- their parents will be dead, and they will have no siblings, and few cousins...no will more aunts and uncles.. the whole nature of family will be changed!

i think there are lot of forces for major change in play, and 20 years for now, we will look back as see a very different world..

i hope we get there with out a major war-- but it is clear there will be major disruptions to everyones way of life.

now, it just seems like the same old stuff... but can a civilized world function when on continent is in shambles? and how can africa be anything but shambles? there are few existing governments, and while the continent is rich in resources, getting to them, will be an issue. and planes and world travel mean it can't be avoided.. we (the western world are luck to just have to deal with aides.. ebola has a 24 hour incubation period.. what would NY or Paris or London be like if there was a serious outbreak of ebola?

(far worse than anything that could be done by terrorist with anthrax or small pox! and it could happen just by accident.)