
I've been acorn to follow up on this to tell you about some of the nuts in my family. One of my favorites is living on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where he makes his lving collecting shells. A true beachnut.

There's one who is a bit of a black sheep, spending all of his time chasing women. He's our Macadamia nut, of course. Other family members, cognizant of his penchant for big boobs, refer to him as a chestnut. Due to my penchant for building furniture, I'm of course thought of in some branches of the family as a pine nut.

Then there's Gesundheit, so called because he's a cashew. My distant cousin is into personal data devices, so he's often referred to as a palm nut, though there are some in our family who think he's called that because of a certain penchant for autoeroticism (which is NOT getting it on in the back seat of the car.)

My great uncle is a noted entomologist, but since many in our family can't spell that we just think of him as our betel nut. His wife only works on wick ends, so we call her our candlenut.