well, I wouldn't say an SUV is a mini-RV; RV's are for camping-SUV's ostensibly capable of off-roading, though most of them wouldn't stand up to it. all the major car-makers build them, but definitely the Land Rover paved the way.(bass-ackwards pun, there...) the idea, I think, was to appeal to the macho American driver while making sure there was somethin' there for the missus': a Jeep with all the comforts of home.

up here in Vermont, 4X4's get used, a fairly essential vehicle. the silliest SUV's I've ever seen are the stretch limo SUV's you see in NYC. laughable...

the Land Rover's are very cool, I think I'd want a Defender though, seems more like the real thing!

formerly known as etaoin...