Terrific children's story "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel" or mebbe it's called "Mike Mulligan's Steam Shovel" by Virginia Lee Burton or Virginia Burton Lee. I'm having problems this morning with big chunks of words in my brain unsure which direction they should lie.

Anyway, that story is a classic, and there's also a cartoon based on the book that's done very well. Highly recommend it for kids in elementary school, all ages. Gives you a good sense of the steam shovel and its demise. I cried at the end of the cartoon because I am the world's biggest sap and can cry even at steam shovels who come to their ending.

Hey! Guess what! We have four of those Bobcat kind of tractors on the farm across the road. I just noticed 'em yesterday--brand new ones. I have no idea what the farmer is going to use them for, but they look pretty cool and modern sitting in a yellow row by the woods.